Micro Sound In clip of Taken

This clip uses diegetic sound to add tension to he scene. The dialogue used is the two people on the phone whispering. This shows that she is scared to be caught. There is also heavy breathing from the girl which exaggerates the silence shows the girls fear and anxiety. The footsteps of the bad guys searching for her raises tension, and then adds empathy for the girl. When the footsteps go away there is a false sense of security as it makes it seem like the bad guys have missed her and will not harm her.

There is also a distorted sound of one side of phone conversation which shows the audience how the man is not able to help the girl and enhances the fact that he cannot help her. There is a key piece of dialogue, “They will take you”, when everything else is silent as the create the impact of it.

The bad guys speak in a different language to tell the audience which adheres to stereotypes of bad guys, there is also no subtitles so we have a sense of uncertainty as the audience of what is going on and why they are there. There is ambient sound of the girl screaming and smashing things however the audience follow Bryan when the girl is taken, so he cannot hear exactly what is being said, so neither do the audience.

Bryan is very composed throughout and confident when speaking to the bad guy. He has an Irish accent which for people from the US may sound tough and stereotypically hard. The clip then finishes with a dial tone of the phone to show the bad guys confidence that Bryan has no chance to find them.

There is also some Non Diegetic sound such as the soundtrack. It is slow-paced to add to the tension. Also a low bass which again links to the tensity of the situation. The soundtrack gets gradually louder up to the point of certain dialogue to add suspense. The dialogue is “I will kill you” and then several seconds of silence. There is a high pitched string sound which adds, again, to the suspense and relates the bad guys with something menacing.



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