Representation Of Main Protagonists In Preliminary Task

In my final Preliminary Task, there were two main characters. I used my friends who do drama as the actors. My friend Finn portrayed the character of a man who was simply walking along the road and saved a girls life. He is meant to be a man in his 20’s, walking home from seeing his friends. Ellie portrayed the female character, listening to her music and smoking while about to cross the road. She has just gone on a walk from her home. She is portrayed at the start as quite a dark character as she is not looking and is smoking a cigarette. However this portrayal changes after Finn saves her from being run over. All of a sudden she turns into a nice girl looking at Finn with desire.

The age of Finn is in his early 20’s. He is a white man at an alright job that he doesn’t find too interesting however he does it with his friends which is fine for him. He is an educated man with high morals and cares for peoples lives like most people. He is very ordinary. He is dressed in average clothes that he has got dressed in to go out for a walk to clear his head.

Ellie is a young women also in her early 20’s. She is also caucasian, however she is dressed more as a rebel. She is seen smoking and listening to music whilst crossing the road. She is wearing dark eye make up and dark clothes. She is dressed as if she is about to go out on a night out and make wrong choices, however she does not look whilst crossing the road and things turn out for better…and for worse.

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