Location For Opening Sequence

For my Opening Sequence, I have decided to film in Richmond Park. I have chosen this location as it has very nice Woodland areas. This, I think, would go well with the genre I have chosen as I am filming a comedy Horror opening sequence, with zombies. This is also a great place to film as it starts with a birdwatcher who is searching for birds. A birdwatcher would be looking for birds in trees and heavy forest areas, which is where he is. FullSizeRender-3.jpg

Opening Sequence Script



Stuart Smillie

Shot of forest with birds chirping

A man (KASIM) is sorting the camera and walks in front of it and begins to talk like David Attenborough


‘I’ve managed to track down the very rare Alder Flycatcher or its Latin name Empidonax alnorum. Now this bird is very rare in England, I saw it when I was watching from my bedroom and followed it to…’

He is cut off by a Ginger boy running towards him with a ripped shirt shouting and screaming

Ginger Boy


He runs past KASIM, KASIM then see’s whats chasing Ginger boy, picks up his camera and the runs behind him filming the back of The Ginger boy as he catches up to him.


‘What are they!? Why are they chasing us!?’

Ginger boy

‘I don’t know!? Just Fucking run!!!!’

SAMUEL overtakes the ginger boy as the things chasing begin to catch up. You hear a scream from the ginger, the camera turns to see the ginger boy has fallen over, SAMUEL hesitates as the ginger is stumbling back on the floor, SAMUEL turns and begins to run as you hear the ginger screaming behind him

Cuts to night vision camera of SAMUEL in a bush


‘Theres loads of them, they’re everywhere, for now I think I’m safe in this bush, its concealed me pretty well and I think the Alder Flycatcher is right above me, I might try and get a look.’

growls are heard and SAMUEL screams, the camera is dropped, you just see KASIMS feet shaking and hear him screaming until he is muffled. A drop of blood is spilt onto the camera.

Camera zooms out of drop of blood. It is now on SAMUEL‘s shirt in an office, he is eating a donut, he licks off the jam from his shirt, Then cuts to a scene of him photocopying something looking very bored with a queue behind him looking equally as bored, then a bus comes passed SAMUEL as he sits at a bus stop as TITLE comes up above him.


Opening Sequence Treatment



Stuart Smillie

 A Horror/Comedy


This is a film, marking the events of a young bird watcher, witnessing the events of a zombie apocalypse as it unfolds.


3 main characters. One is a nerdy bird watcher (our main protagonist), one is a hardened gangster sent to kill the bird watcher and the third is a young woman, who is a journalist following the mafia, trying to get a scoop on them when she follows the gangster to the bird watchers flat. The Bird watcher ripped off the gangsters boss, and the gangster has been sent to get money and beat him up, however zombies begin to attack them before he can. The film follows the three as they try to survive the zombie apocalypse. The film lasts the first week of the apocalypse eventually ending up with them splitting up just when it feels like the nerd was going to get the girl, it turns out he’s been bit after becoming the unlikely hero and he makes them leave him, it ends showing that he now has a nerdy zombie girlfriend, and the gangster and journalist are still fighting off the zombies.



Mainly based in council estate, where the bird watcher lives. Then goes to state school.


Cast List

Kasim Khan – Samuel Cleetz

Jamie Lucas – Donnie Butch

Molly Hackney – Felicity Rose

(Main Cast Only)

Title Font Analysis

In my opening sequence, I will integrate my titles into my film. I intend to have it shown up behind my actor as he is walking through the forest, then the main title of the film shown when the bus comes up infant of him.


Some movies with integrated titles:

  • Panic Room
  • Zombiel
  • Life of Pie
  • Birdman
  • Harry Potter

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Standard Titles include:

  • Gladiator
  • Braveheart

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The film titles in chronological order

1.  Name of the studio that is distributing the film.

2.    Name of the production company responsible for making the film. If an investor financed a substantial portion of the movie, they will usually be credited alongside the production company with “In Association with.”

3.    A (Producer’s Name) Production.

4.    A Film by (Director’s Name).

5.    Starring (this is optional or can be paired with the first cast member’s name), followed by the names of all main actors.

6.    Film title.

7.    Featured cast members. However in some cases, to speed up a title sequence, featured players are held off for the end crawl.

8.    Casting by.

9.    Music, composer, or original score.

10.    Production designer.

11.    There is multiple things it could be at this point; makeup, costume, or visual effects credits. It should vary based on what is most important to the movie. If the movie’s a high budget sci-fi film, it’s appropriate to credit the VFX team or supervising visual effects artist here; if it’s an historical epic, costume and makeup should probably get some notice here.

12.    Edited by.

13.    Director of photography.

14.    Producer, produced by, and executive producers.

15.    Based on the (media name or title) by (Author’s Name). This is highly dependent on the project; if the movie is based on an existing work, this credit is necessary.

16.    Story by. This credit is employed either when a script has gone through a number of changes or someone wrote a story that the film’s script is based on.

17.    Writer or written by. A maximum of three writers can be credited on a feature, although teams of two can count as one if separated by an ampersand. However, if they worked on the script separately, they will be separated by the word and.

18.    Director or Directed by. The last credit belongs to the director, and the Directors Guild of America only allows one director to be credited as director on the film unless their was a death during production.