Preliminary Task Evaluation Questions

  1. Doing a preliminary task has taught me a lot about filming and editing. The tasks we had to do consisted of: learning continuity editing, use continuity editing, learn and use three point lighting, use natural lighting, try new various shots and movements, writing a script, designing a storyboard and finally organising and shooting my film.

Continuity editing is about making sure each shot flows from one another, and making sure the cuts aren’t too harsh. It also means making the shots consistent. I made a video demonstrating this, showing that I understood how to edit shots to make them flow from oner another.

Since learning about three point lighting, I have been able to use that to my advantage in certain areas of the course. I have also learnt how important lighting can be, as it can demonstrate many emotions and how one is feeling, and can also mean getting the best shot possible for the piece. I then decided how to use lighting in my preliminary task, however as I wanted to portray that it was night it was very tricky to do so without over lighting the actors. SO I used the leith to make each character visible to the camera whilst getting the desired effect I wanted.

Now I know more about how to use lighting to my advantage, I plan on using it in the future, as I was unable to use three point lighting in my video as I was portraying that it was night time.

I learnt many new camera shots, movements and angles in the process of my preliminary task. This was very useful as it allowed me to show each character in the desired way I wanted the audience to perceive them, whilst using new angles to give the video some variation.

Writing a script was very difficult as I had never done it before, however after taking inspiration from some of my favourite films, I was able to come up with a script that I liked. It took me three attempts to get it right, after writing a script and then filming it, I realised each time that it just wasn’t right. I learnt how to write a script in a professional format, and how to write directions for my actors.

I also was fairly new to creating storyboards, as this was only the second one I had done. This was very useful to me as I was constantly using it to direct my actors, and direct myself in where to film them from.

Creating the scene for my shoot was also new to me as in previous films I hadn’t made any effort with lighting or camera angles or shots. When I was creating the scene I had to get a man to move his van, to a place where it would be able to look like my main character had been ran over by it. I also then placed lights on the van hood and above the camera to get my desired affect. I learned how much work it is to create the set you want, and also how careful you need to be while filming and directing to make sure you get it so that each shot is fluid into the next.



3. I received 1 piece of feedback from my friend Will who has completed his preliminary task, and I have returned the favour. His feedback was that I should make the transition from each shot more smooth. I have used many different fades from shot to shot. I have had to do this because when it happens they’re talking and the camera shot is over the shoulder. When I change shot angle the actors aren’t in the same place and has poor continuity which is why I had to add fades.

Preliminary Task Script

Her Life

Written By Stuart Smillie

Based On The Book By

Stuart Smillie

Girl walking along the side of the road, smoking and listening to her music.

Cuts to boy walking along same side of road toward the girl, with his head up watching around him.

The girl walks into the middle of the road without paying attention.


‘Hey. HEY!’

The boy shouts to try to warn the girl of the on coming car whilst waving his arm.

Shot of girl seeing the car but the boy quickly dives into her, saving her from getting hit.


‘Are you alright?!’


‘yeah…i’m…i’m fine…thanks’


‘Do you want to sit down?! I need to call an ambulance, you might be hurt!’


‘No i’m fine really. Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention’


‘What an idiot, he must’ve been drinking’


‘No really it was my fault, thank you.’


‘Do you live near?’


‘um.. yeah just up their’


‘Let me walk you home’


‘Thankyou so much again….I’m Ellie


‘I’m Finn.’

As they walk off Boy is asking Girl if she’s sure she’s ok.


Girl walking along the side of the road, smoking and listening to her music.

Cuts to boy walking along opposite side of road toward the girl, with his head down and listening to music.

The girl walks into the middle of the road without paying attention.

Boy walks past crashed car to see Girl lying dead underneath it.


‘Hello? Are you okay? Hello?’

Whilst checking to see if still alive

‘Help, someone help’

Shot of boy on phone calling 999

‘Ambulance, someones been run over’


Representation Of Main Protagonists In Preliminary Task

In my final Preliminary Task, there were two main characters. I used my friends who do drama as the actors. My friend Finn portrayed the character of a man who was simply walking along the road and saved a girls life. He is meant to be a man in his 20’s, walking home from seeing his friends. Ellie portrayed the female character, listening to her music and smoking while about to cross the road. She has just gone on a walk from her home. She is portrayed at the start as quite a dark character as she is not looking and is smoking a cigarette. However this portrayal changes after Finn saves her from being run over. All of a sudden she turns into a nice girl looking at Finn with desire.

The age of Finn is in his early 20’s. He is a white man at an alright job that he doesn’t find too interesting however he does it with his friends which is fine for him. He is an educated man with high morals and cares for peoples lives like most people. He is very ordinary. He is dressed in average clothes that he has got dressed in to go out for a walk to clear his head.

Ellie is a young women also in her early 20’s. She is also caucasian, however she is dressed more as a rebel. She is seen smoking and listening to music whilst crossing the road. She is wearing dark eye make up and dark clothes. She is dressed as if she is about to go out on a night out and make wrong choices, however she does not look whilst crossing the road and things turn out for better…and for worse.

Script For Preliminary Task


(Long shot of boy playing cricket with bat and ball)

(Girl begins to walk over and ask what he’s doing)


 look how good I am, watch this

(Close in behind and see him swing at the ball)

(Bat misses and hits girl in face)

(Girl begins to cry)

(Boy try’s to silence her)


 shhh shhh I’m sorry I’m sorry, shhhh


 (crying) you did that on purpose, I’m gonna tell


 no no no I didn’t please stop

(Girl tries to run but boy catches her hand)


let go it hurts


 it was an accident. (Hits her on head)

(Shot of boy dragging girl into dark forest area.)

(Girl wakes up)


 owwww you hit me again


I told you it was an accident


 no it wasn’t you hit me on purpose. And how did we get here! Where’s my mum, why am I here


 I don’t want you to tell.


 I have to tell, I cant lie to my mum and it hurts


well it was an accident (kicks her)

(Girl cries out in pain)

(Boy continues to kick and punch girl)


 I won’t tell I wont tell please I wont tell


 I know you wont

(girl cries out in pain.)

(Boy lies on top of girl for brief moment)

(Boy sits up in panic – starts pacing)


 oh no oh no oh no oh no

(Boy tries covering her with leaves – lies back on top of her)


you cant tell now, you cant tell.